Learn what is new with the WebXam Online Testing System and information about important upcoming dates.
January 2022

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Winter Pretest Window Closes January 28th, 2022

WebXam News

Winter Pretest Window

The use of pretests can help document student gain, along with the observations and measurements conducted directly by the instructor and other local district staff. The window for winter pretesting closes January 28th, 2022.

As a reminder, students that took a pretest must take the posttest on or before April 22nd, 2022 to receive a student gain calculation and remain in compliance under OTES regulations. Posttests and field tests are available during the winter pretest window, so it is important to activate the correct type of test. To learn more about the pretests offered by WebXam, please follow the link below:

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New WebXam feature simplifies awarding CTE college credit

CETE in collaboration with the Ohio Department of Education and Department of Higher Education (ODHE), launched an end-of-test student acknowledgment survey, enhancing a students’ ability to access college transfer credit earned through one of Ohio’s Career-Technical Assurance Guides (CTAGs). The student survey allows students who are proficient on the taken test to grant permission to Ohio’s public colleges or universities to post-transfer credit earned through meeting the requirements of the associated Career-Technical Assurance Guide (CTAG).

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No pretesting for Health Science, including Medical Terminology

We want to remind you that there is no pretesting available for any Health Science courses in the 2021-2022 school year. This includes the Medical Terminology course, which will also have an impact on the Business, Agriculture, and Law and Public Safety career fields. These new item banks will be field testing this year. Please email us at support@webxam.org if you have any questions or need more information.

Construction Technologies and Health Science Old Item Validation is POSTPONED

The validation sessions for the old items in these two career fields has been postponed due to changes in pandemic protocols. Please contact cete-recruiting@osu.edu if you are interested in participating in these workshops later.

Join us for Transportation Systems Item-Writing

You can still sign up for virtual item-writing workshops, which continue in 2022. We are beginning recruitment for item writing for Air Transportation. If you are an instructor in this area, please visit http://go.osu.edu/ts-item-writing and tell us more about yourself. There is also a new course for Unmanned Aircraft Systems (177024) being developed; you could help create the first test! If you have questions or need any clarification, please contact cete-recruiting@osu.edu. Be sure to sign up today - SMEs are KEY to CETE!

Current Item-Writing Calendars

If you cannot help us write items but would still like to provide your input on the tests for Transportation Systems, please sign up to take a survey that helps us prioritize content standards for each course by contacting Bridget McHugh at mchugh.159@osu.edu. Filling out the survey takes about 10-30 minutes depending on how many courses you would like to provide information on and can be completed in multiple sessions over several days (the survey will save your place).

What is a SME?

District-Hosted Teacher Review Workshops are POSTPONED

WebXam and CETE staff are postponing district-hosted Teacher Review Workshops at CETE in the 2021-2022 school year due to changes in pandemic protocol. Please see the link below for more information. District-hosted reviews are still being scheduled for March and April, but may also be cancelled if OSU policies regarding off-campus activities change. If you would like to schedule an district-hosted review later, please contact Bridget McHugh at mchugh.159@osu.edu.

Teacher Review Workshops

CTE COVID-19 Information

The WebXam News site will contain updates regarding the changes related to the response to COVID-19. You can also find updates related to the Ohio Department of Education and WebXam on our site.

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Professional Development Offerings

CETE has produced a series of professional development offerings focused on the importance of testing, WebXam Quick start guides, and creating quality multiple-choice test items. These online modules are free and can be found here:

Professional Development

Test Security Rulebook

Some schools may be going back to remote learning or a hybrid style for the time being. As such, this is a great time to review policies and procedures. Be sure to familiarize yourself and any new teachers in your school with the WebXam Test Security Rulebook. Teachers and administrators who access the WebXam website to administrate or deliver tests are required to agree to the WebXam User Agreement, which includes acceptance of the revised Test Security Rulebook. Users will be prompted to confirm acceptance of these policies the first time they access WebXam each school year. The Test Security Rulebook can be found below.

Test Security Rulebook

Learn More About the Tests

CTE Program and Assessment Matrix

The CTE Program and Assessment Matrix is designed to help educators identify the tests required for their district's CTE pathway programs. Details about programs and their required assessments can be downloaded from ODE's website.

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About the Tests

WebXam's About the Tests page lists important details about the CTE tests currently offered in WebXam. Details include how many questions are in the test, if the test is in field testing, cutoff scores, if pretests are available, and what the rules are for passing the pathway test.

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Last day of Winter Pretesting

Pretesting testing closed for the year.


Last day for Field Tests and Teacher Effectiveness

More information can be found here.


Last day for WebXam Testing

More information can be found here.


Target for End-of-Year Reports Release

End-of-Year reports provided to ITCs

Calendar dates subject to change. For most up-to-date info see the calendar.
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