Learn what is new with the WebXam Online Testing System and information about important upcoming dates.
June 2021

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2020-21 Testing Has Closed

Please be aware calendar dates have changed to allow for more time to report Alternate Course Grades. All date changes have been added to the WebXam Calendar.

Recent and upcoming deadlines include:

  • The end of the post-testing window closed 6/11.
  • The Course Grade Upload window will close 6/25.
  • The end-of-year reporting date is now 7/9.
WebXam Calendar

2021-22 Calendar Available

The tentative WebXam Calendar for 2021-2022 is now available. Please familiarize yourself with the dates for the next school year. As calendar changes may be required throughout the school year, we recommend reviewing the WebXam Calendar page for the most accurate information. WebXam Teacher Review Workshop dates will be published at a later date.

Learn More.

CETE will be at Ohio ACTE

Members of the CETE Assessment Program staff will be at ACTE. We will have a booth discussing recruitment, test development and review, and networking with the field. Come see us in-person, we'd love to see you. We will also be presenting a WebXam update on July 27 from 1:15 PM - 2:15 PM.

Ohio ACTE Information

WebXam User Survey

We'd love to hear from you about WebXam and collect feedback. Visit the 2021 WebXam Survey to tell us about your experiences and your ideas for improvement. Survey results will help us to support you and your students.

WebXam Survey

Health Sciences Testing Updates

No Pretesting
We want to alert you that there is no pretesting available for all courses in the Health Science career field for the 2021-2022 school year. The assessments for these courses will be in field testing. Please email us at support@webxam.org if you have questions or need additional information.

SMEs needed for Health Science Validation & Standard Setting!

We are actively recruiting for Health Science Validation and Standard Setting. This is the last step of the test development process for this career field. We are looking to hold these workshops in mid-July and possibly early August so the tests can be ready for field testing at the start of the next school year. Please email stansell.18@osu.edu for more information and to be included in the process.

Item-writing in 2021-2022

The WebXam Assessment Services will be item-writing for Transportation Career Field (Ground and Air) in the 2021-2022 school year. Item-writing is likely to be virtual and after school. If you are interested in joining us, please email stansell.18@osu.edu.

WebXam Test Security Rulebook

As all programs across the state of Ohio are experiencing a wide variety of teaching methods, it is a great time to review policies and procedures. Be sure to familiarize yourself and any new teachers in your school with the WebXam test security rulebook. Teachers and administrators who access the WebXam website to administer or deliver tests are required to agree to the WebXam User Agreement, which includes acceptance of the revised Test Security Rule Book. Users will be prompted to confirm acceptance of these policies the first time they access WebXam each school year. The Test Security Rulebook can be found below.

Test Security Rulebook

Course grade entry (2021) window (Closes)

More information can be found here.

Calendar dates subject to change. For most up-to-date info see the calendar.
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