Learn what is new with the WebXam Online Testing System and information about important upcoming dates.
August 2020

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Welcome Back, Teachers, and Administrators!

Welcome to the 2020-2021 school year! We are looking forward to a successful item-writing and testing year. We also are excited to continue working with you to continue to improve WebXam. For the latest news and information about item-writing and testing, be sure to visit the News site.

WebXam News Website

Calendar and Extended Pretesting Window

The WebXam Calendar for 2020-2021 is now up on the News site. Field testing dates have not yet been determined due to closures caused by COVID-19. For more information about important testing dates and deadlines, see the link below.

The window for pretesting has been revised for the fall. Pretesting now begins August 17th, 2020, and will be available until October 16th, 2020. More information related to testing can be found at the WebXam Calendar. At present, all WebXam Assessments must be delivered using school-owned equipment with in-person proctoring by a school employee who can be the teacher of record.

WebXam Calendar

Alternate Grade and Roster Uploads

You can now upload your student data for the 2020-2021 testing year utilizing the bulk upload tool. Make sure that you review your data and be sure to utilize the SSID, assign all tests needed in the pathway, and that you advance grade levels (rising juniors to senior status, for example). If you need to review the process, please see the bulk uploads documentation

School districts can upload or enter course grades from 2020 for students that were not uploaded in the previous window. We strongly encourage school districts to export roster data from the district’s student information system. For more information email us at support@webxam.org.

CTE COVID-19 Information

The WebXam News site will contain updates regarding the changes related to the response to COVID-19. You can find updates related to the Ohio Department of Education and WebXam on our site.


Changes to WebXam for 2020-2021

You called, we listened! Some updates made to WebXam include the following enhancements:

  • Student End-of-Assessment page
  • Roster upload process changes

Please continue to provide us with your feedback and other suggestions at webxam@osu.edu. We want to continue to make the system work for you.

No Pretesting for Construction Technologies

We want to remind you that there is no pretesting available for all Construction Technologies courses in the 2020-2021 school year. All item banks in this field are in field testing or still need to be created. Please email us at webxam@osu.edu if you have questions regarding this.

Share Your Expertise – Be a SME!

We are going to be finalizing the writing for Construction Technologies during the fall of 2020. If you are an instructor for this career field, we need you to help us write new test items. We will also need your assistance with Validation and Standard Setting. If you are interested in participating in these workshops, please visit https://go.osu.edu/participation-survey. Be sure to sign up today – SMEs are KEY to WebXam work!

We are also going to be conducting item-writing for Health Science in the 2020-2021 school year. If you are an instructor or industry professional in this career field, we need you to help create new test items for students! Please email cete-recruiting@osu.edu for more information.

What is a SME?

CETE WebXam Pretests on ODE Approved Vendor List

WebXam staff are pleased to announce that the pretesting system is back on the ODE-Approved Vendor list for 2020-21. The complete list is available at the ODE State Tests page.

List of Tests

Learn More About the Tests

CETE at ACTE Conference

The WebXam item-writing and technical support staff participated in the 2020 Connections in Education Virtual Conference in July, as part of the Ohio Association for Career and Technical Education (OH ACTE). We want to thank those of you who were able to attend our virtual meeting. We hope to see you in 2021.

Test Security Rulebook

Be sure to familiarize yourself with the WebXam test security rulebook. Teachers and administrators who access the WebXam website to administrate or deliver tests are required to agree to the WebXam User Agreement, which includes acceptance of the revised Test Security Rule Book.

Test Security Rulebook


Student course grade entry (2020) window Closes

Last day to upload alternative grades for spring 2020 testing


Last day of fall pretesting

Last day for pretests until winter window


WebXam User's Workshop

More information can be found here.


First day Field Tests and Finalized Tests released

Post Tests are available for testing

Calendar dates subject to change. For most up-to-date info see the calendar.
© 2020 | WebXam
1900 Kenny Road, Columbus, OH, 43210
webxam@osu.edu | www.webxam.org
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